This loan is secured by the value of your car. This loan can be used for any purpose and is ideal for people looking to expand their business or sort out their financial emergencies.
This loan is secured by the value of your car. This loan can be used for any purpose and is ideal for people looking to expand their business or sort out their financial emergencies.
Is the loan product that offers short to medium term loans whereby a person borrowing the funds must provide the lender with a security interest in the assets, where in the person borrows, pledging an asset (in this case Motor Vehicle) against the debt.
If the loan is not repaid, the lender may seize the asset (in this case Motor vehicle) that was wagered against the debt.
All Log Book Loans are subjected to a loan appraisal process. Once a loan has been approved the loan will be disbursed within 48 hours.
Anyone who owns a motor vehicle ( Car ), has a legally known source of income and has reached a maturity age of 18+ years.
Qualifying Motor vehicle for logbook loan
All Motor vehicles that meet company’s criteria except Heavy Duty vehicles
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